May 30, 2008

Obama Will Disarm America


S.A. Andrews said...

No military, makes it easier to fight off an overthrow. Does anyone remember the Nazis and Stalin? In an overnight raid (Night of the Long Knives) Hitler changed the face of German politics. Stalin was less obvious but just as brutal.
Isn't there something about "a strong military" being a keystone of a democracy?

TexasFred said...

I think there are too many well armed Americans, and we WILL NOT go quietly into the night...

And somehow I don't think our military will try to kill Americans, maybe I'm naive but I was military and I know many Vets and current troops, I see them fighting to maintain the USA, not destroy it, but IF I am wrong, then so be it, I took an oath to defend this nation from ALL enemies, both foreign AND domestic...

Yeah, they'll take me out but I won't go easy and I won't go cheaply...

Anonymous said...

Militia anyone?

I wonder when they will strike this entry from our dictionaries:

–noun 1. a body of citizens enrolled for military service, and called out periodically for drill but serving full time only in emergencies.
2. a body of citizen soldiers as distinguished from professional soldiers.
3. all able-bodied males considered by law eligible for military service.
4. a body of citizens organized in a paramilitary group and typically regarding themselves as defenders of individual rights against the presumed interference of the federal government.


[Origin: 1580–90; < L mīlitia soldiery, equiv. to mīlit- (s. of mīles) soldier + -ia -ia]

The Lonely Conservative said...

I'm surprised they haven't hacked in and stricken these comments.

S.A. Andrews said...

Thanks, Sheldon,
I took the liberty of posting definition number 4 on my blog. That describes the groups in my area. They take the Second Amendment at face value.

Anonymous said...

People need to understand if the 2nd Amendment falls or any other for that matter, the rest are soon to follow. Everyone needs to support ALL of our Bill of Rights not just the ones that suit them. If the media would just realize this they would be singing a different tune.
Heston said it best. "...out of my cold dead hands" Correct me if I quoted that wrong.

S.A. Andrews said...

Well put, Sheldon. Agreed. My answer to an Obama election is "buy more guns."