June 3, 2008

What a Surprise-Carter to Endorse Obama

The presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party is picking up an endorsement from the worst president in the history of the United States. Will Jimmy Carter say he hopes Barry will pick up where he left off in his quest to destroy our country? Is he happy to endorse a man who will throw Israel under the bus, the way he threw his grandma, pastor and church under the bus? Will he praise Obama's plans to meet with psychotic tyrants with no pre-conditions? Is he proud to endorse a man whose friends include terrorists and race-baiters? Does he pine for the good old days of gas lines and 7.5% unemployment? Does Jimmy Carter honestly believe that his endorsement is going to convince hard working Americans to vote for Obama?


Anonymous said...

Well, this is the same Jimmy Carter that was totally convinced that Yasser Arafat was just a misunderstood peace keeper.
Is our next great step forward into the NWO going to be the Obama/Ahmadinejad confederacy?

The Lonely Conservative said...

Saying it's the blind leading the blind would be a compliment.

S.A. Andrews said...

I am sure that in his heart Jimmy believes what he says. That does not make it so. Nor does the fact that he was elected president mean that he is a credible source.
Where is the hootenanny I don't want to miss it? NOT!

TexasFred said...

All Mr. Peanut is looking for is someone that's SO bad they'll take him off the 'Worst U.S. President' pedestal...

The Lonely Conservative said...

Until Obama came along I didn't think that was possible.