July 16, 2008

Happy Cost of Government Day!

According to Americans for Tax Reform, July 17 is the "cost of government day". That is, the day Americans stop working to pay for the enormous burden placed on us by the government. One might find it odd that this day comes later in the year than "tax freedom day" but if you think about the debt our country is in it makes perfect sense. We can just pass those debts along to our children and grand children.

Unfortunately for those of us in NY, the Cost of Government Day won't be here until July 28. The only states worse than NY are Washington DC, New Jersey and Connecticut. To see where your state ranks click here.


Paul Zannucci said...

I'm in 7th. Who can beat me?

The Lonely Conservative said...

I'll have to check this list every year, when my husband and I retire we can move out of NY. It's too bad, we live in a nice area but they're taxing us to death here.